We here want to give you our view of Information Technology as it may differ a bit from others views. To us IT is the core essence of all business. A well structured IT-solution can pave the way for better decisions, more effective administration, satisfied employees/customers and new marketing prospects. Badly implemented it can easily render the opposite effect...

IT is in many companies used to reduce costs for administrative tasks and to avoid customers that cannot pay. It is here our more humane side steps in. If IT is only used to spot possible losses, it will at the same time ruin a lot of good deals. IT without common sense will provide bad public relation and decreased revenues for any company.

We firmly believe in the individuals rights to make a choice based upon ethics and not only on economics. Everything cannot have a price tag put on it. In the future only the honestly customer friendly companies will survive.

IT is also a lot of technology, but we will not mention it any more here. Let's just conclude that from a companies side of view, Internet and Intranets can make a spectacular difference...