Ronald is the computer wizz who does most of the work within SoftDesign. Studied economics in the mid 70's and later worked as a fashion photographer for five years. Started an ad agency 1984 with four employees. Later worked for Microsoft as Senior Technical Specialist and for Datasvar as Support Manager for Apples nordic support. Programs in Pascal, C, C++ and Java. Britt-Marie studied arts in the 70's and later started the ad-agency together with Ronald. She is the one who pull things together and does most of the research. Also worked for Microsoft with Q&A. In recent year more time is spent on the family, dogs, handicraft and cheramics. Malin is today 23 years old and has already moved out. She studied social and nature sciene. After that she has done an extra year studying IT and small businesses. Works with translations and creating web-pages for different companies. Currently attending college in Uppsala. Richard is 16. His major interests in life are, for the moment, MUD's and computers. He also like fishing and driving terrain vehicles. He has just begun programming Javascripts. We all live parts of our lives on the net, as most of our friends are scattered around the globe.